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    c/ Gabriel Maura 17 Bajos, 07005 Palma de Mallorca

    Teléfono: +34 617 267 032

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    Página de ejemplo

    None found.

    Sorry, no properties found - try expanding your search, or view all.

    Include search form into page/post content.

    • Include search widget on content of a page or a post.
    • Show search options for bedrooms and bathrooms; return only Single Family Homes, and show 10 results per page.

    Shortcodes are used to display listings. Simply put a shortcode into the body of a post or page, and a list of properties will be displayed in its place on the front-end of your website.

    • None found.

      Sorry, no properties found - try expanding your search, or view all.

      Show all properties and enable pagination.
    • None found.

      Sorry, no properties found - try expanding your search, or view all.

      Will list all properties with sorting.
    • None found.

      Sorry, no properties found - try expanding your search, or view all.

      Show 5 properties on a page (10 properties is the default). If you use this shortcode – you don’t need to use ‘pagination=on’.
    • None found.

      Sorry, no properties found - try expanding your search, or view all.

      None found.

      Sorry, no properties found - try expanding your search, or view all.

    • None found.

      Sorry, no properties found - try expanding your search, or view all.

      Use «,» for setting specific values of attributes and «-» for ranges.
    • None found.

      Sorry, no properties found - try expanding your search, or view all.

      Will list all properties sorted by price in DESC order (attribute «Price» should be checked as sorted in Properties->Settings->Developer page ) and paginate.

    Usage of custom attributes added in the Developer tab for queries, example:

    • None found.

      Sorry, no properties found - try expanding your search, or view all.

      List all blue and green properties.
    • None found.

      Sorry, no properties found - try expanding your search, or view all.

      List all single family homes built between 1995 and 2010.
    • None found.

      Sorry, no properties found - try expanding your search, or view all.

      All apartments where «Pets Allowed» attribute is set to «yes».
    • None found.

      Sorry, no properties found - try expanding your search, or view all.

      will load property-overview-detailed-overview.php from your theme folder.

    New features

    • New shortcode: to pull a single attribute without using PHP. Example: will return the number of bedrooms for current property. will return the number of bathrooms for property with ID of 5.
    • New shortcode: to pull a single attribute without using PHP. Example: . Leave property_id blank to get map for currently displayed property.
    • Two different sorter styles available, buttons and dropdown.
    • «Sort by:» text can be customized in
      None found.

      Sorry, no properties found - try expanding your search, or view all.

      shortcode using the sort_by_text argument.

    Esto es una página de ejemplo. Es diferente a una entrada porque permanece fija en un lugar y se mostrará en la navegación de tu sitio (en la mayoría de los temas). La mayoría de la gente empieza con una página de Acerca de, que les presenta a los potenciales visitantes del sitio. Podría ser algo como esto::

    ¡Hola! Soy mensajero por el día, aspirante a actor por la noche, y este es mi blog. Vivo en Madrid, tengo un perrazo llamado Duque y me gustan las piñas coladas (y que me pille un chaparrón)

    …o algo así:

    La empresa XYZ se fundó en 1971 y ha estado ofreciendo «cosas» de calidad al público desde entonces. Situada en Madrid, XYZ emplea a más de 2.000 personas y hace todo tipo de cosas sorprendentes para la comunidad de Madrid.

    Si eres nuevo en WordPress deberías ir a tu escritorio para borrar esta páginay crear páginas nuevas con tu propio contenido. ¡Pásalo bien!

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